Boing - A flexible multi-touch toolkit

Welcome! This is the documentation for Boing 0.3.1, last updated September 18, 2012.

Boing is a Python 3 toolkit designed to support the development of multi-touch and gesture enabled applications.

Boing enables to create pipelines for connecting different input sources to multiple target destinations (e.g. applications, logs, etc.) and eventually process the data before being dispatched. Boing provides a set of functional nodes that enable to:

  • read and decode input sources (e.g. TUIO, OSC, JSON);
  • encode and forward data to target outputs (e.g. TUIO, OSC, JSON);
  • record and replay the data flow;
  • process gesture data (calibration, smoothing filtering, debugging, etc.);
  • debug and get statistics of the data flow.

Get started!

