11. Todo list

11.1. Toolkit todo

  • Bugs and unittest:

    • Class DataWriter should signal an error when it is demanded to write to a closed device.

    • Add boing.test.nodes.test_loader cases for the data processing nodes.

    • Add docs and unit test for class boing.utils.url.URL on MS Windows.

    • Improve class QPath: regular expression compilation, join method, add unittest. The command:

      QPath.filter(boing.nodes.encoding.TuioDecoder.getTemplate(), "diff.*.contacts.*.rel_pos")

      raises an error if QPath._iterProp() returns a real iterator.

    • when boing.create() raises an exception, it shows the lower URI and not the original one. This may be misleading for users.

    • The player: ‘s playlist has some model trouble: when I drag and drop some files from a folder to the root level before the folder an Exception is raised. Sometimes files desappears.

    • Handle when a source has been closed and when to start players (e.g. if TCP socked has been disconnected, TcpServer turned off).

    • Resolve the UDP socket reuse port issue on Windows.

    • The structure <!...!> used in defining not standard URL query keys and values does not work if characters # or % are used inside the structure.

  • Pipeline architecture:

    • The class Producer should also automatically know whether being active or not, like the class WiseWorker does. Check the ‘tag’ structure.
    • The class Node shouldn’t be a QObject?
    • Improve Graphers (Graphers should draw themselves).
    • Add exclusive requests in order to optimize productivity.
  • Data model:

    • json and pickle decoders should someway know what they produce.
    • Check the quickdict constructor: if an hierarchical dictionary is passed to the constructor not all the hierarchy is transformed to a quickdict.
  • Functionalities:

    • Encoder and Decoders in module boing.nodes.encoding should inherit boing.nodes.Encoder and boing.node.Decoder.
    • Find a way so that the boing.node.loader can create nodes from external source files, so that users can add custom nodes.
    • Develop the transformation node, which transforms the data hierarchy (JSON-schema validator).
    • Develop evdev and uinput in&out bridges.
    • Enable remote node.
    • Improve Contact Viz.
    • Consider adding the module libfilter.filtering.signal to boing.filtering.
    • Develop lib tIO cython bindings.
    • When Qt4.8 will be available, add multicast support to UdpSocket.
  • Gesture Recognition:

    • Prepare the directory with the gesture templates that the recognizer can use.
    • Fix the recognition nodes.
    • Support 1$ algorithm.
  • Docs:

  • Other:

11.2. Docs todo


Describe how to configure the pipeline dinamically

(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/boing/checkouts/latest/doc/source/boing.rst, line 101.)


Comment module boing.filtering.

(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/boing/checkouts/latest/doc/source/boing.filtering.rst, line 29.)


Improve docs for the module boing.net.tcp

(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/boing/checkouts/latest/doc/source/boing.net.tcp.rst, line 24.)


Improve docs for the module boing.net.udp

(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/boing/checkouts/latest/doc/source/boing.net.udp.rst, line 24.)


Describe the data model.

(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/boing/checkouts/latest/doc/source/datamodel.rst, line 24.)


Describe an example of functional node.

(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/boing/checkouts/latest/doc/source/developer.rst, line 57.)


Speak about the default nodes and the node uris convention. Also add a link to the Nodes reference table.

(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/boing/checkouts/latest/doc/source/functionalities.rst, line 24.)


Describe data logging and replaying (both OSC and JSON formats).

(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/boing/checkouts/latest/doc/source/functionalities.rst, line 46.)


Describe the recorder tool.

(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/boing/checkouts/latest/doc/source/functionalities.rst, line 52.)


Describe the Player tool.

(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/boing/checkouts/latest/doc/source/functionalities.rst, line 65.)


Describe the calibration node.

(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/boing/checkouts/latest/doc/source/functionalities.rst, line 81.)


Describe the filtering module.

(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/boing/checkouts/latest/doc/source/functionalities.rst, line 87.)


Logging utils tutorial

(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/boing/checkouts/latest/doc/source/logging.rst, line 24.)


multi-touch utilities tutorial.

(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/boing/checkouts/latest/doc/source/multitouch.rst, line 24.)


Improve the OSC tutorial.

(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/boing/checkouts/latest/doc/source/osc.rst, line 24.)


  • Describe the composite nodes and node syntax (+ and | operators).

(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/boing/checkouts/latest/doc/source/pipeline.rst, line 406.)


Data redirection tutorial

(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/boing/checkouts/latest/doc/source/redirection.rst, line 24.)


Script advanced options tutorial

(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/boing/checkouts/latest/doc/source/scriptadvanced.rst, line 24.)


Improve the TUIO tutorial.

(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/boing/checkouts/latest/doc/source/tuio.rst, line 24.)


Previous topic

10. License