6.18. boing.utils — Common utilities

The module boing.utils contains generic utility classes and functions.

boing.utils.assertIsInstance(obj, *valid)

Raise TypeError if obj is not an instance of a class in valid.

boing.utils.deepDump(obj, fd=sys.stdout, maxdepth=None, indent=2, end="n", sort=True)

Write to fd a textual representation of obj.

class boing.utils.StateMachine(initial=None)

The StateMachine class defines an object that owns a state defined by a collections.Mapping type object. The argument initial can be used to define the initial state.


Return the current state.

setState(update=None, add=None, remove=None)

Change the current state by applying update, add and remove.

applyDiff(diff, feedback=False)

Apply the provided diff to the current state. diff must be a collections.Mapping type containing any of the following keys:

  • 'add': items that will be added to the current state;
  • 'update' : items that will be update or added to the current state;
  • 'remove' : items that will be removed from the current state.

If feedback is True the diff structure between the previous state and the current state is provided as result of the method.

class boing.utils.Console(inputdevice, outputdevice, banner="", locals=None, parent=None)

Interactive Python console running along the Qt eventloop.


Pass line to the Python interpreter.

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6.17. boing.net.ntp — NTP utilities

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6.19. boing.utils.fileutils — File utilities