6.10. boing.net.slip — SLIP encoding

The module boing.net.slip provides methods and classes for supporting the SLIP protocol encoding and decoding.


Return a slip encoded version of data.

boing.net.slip.decode(data, previous=None)

Return the list of bytearrays obtained from the slip decoding of data followed by the undecoded bytes. If previous is not None, data is appended to previous before decoding. A typical usage would be:

buffer = bytearray()
decoded, buffer = decode(data, buffer)
class boing.net.slip.Encoder

The Encoder is able to produce slip encoded version of byte strings.


Return a slip encoded version of the byte string obj.


NOP method.

class boing.net.slip.Decoder

The Decoder object is able to decode slip encoded byte strings into the their internal components.


Return the list of bytearrays obtained from the slip decoding of obj.


Reset the slip internal buffer.

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6.9. boing.net.bytes — UNICODE encoding

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6.11. boing.net.json — JSON encoding